
Lots of things are changing, and continue to change, so far, mostly, for the better.  I continue to strive for a better life, while having a BUNCH of things working against me.  

That's all for now.  Details as they work out.  

For the people that support me still, I deeply appreciate you.  

For the ones working against me, karma will work it out.  


Because of the remoteness and vast distances between the radar stations, tropospheric scatter (tropo) radio was used on the WACS. Tropo works on the principle that if you use exceptionally large antennas and blast enough RF power at the horizon, enough of the signal will be reflected off the troposphere to provide a usable signal at the receiver site. Communication distances of several hundred miles are possible with enough power. Transmit powers on the system were 1, 10 and 50kw.
The majority of the tropo links used large 60-foot square 'billboard' antennas and 10 kw amps. Other links used 28-foot circular parabolics with 1 kw amps and a few used 120-foot billboard antennas and 50 kw amps. Each radio path had two receive antennas to provide space diversity reception, the idea being that if the signal faded on one antenna, it would still be present on the other antenna, which was true most of the time. The longer radio paths used a quad diversity system, space, and frequency diversity. All the systems were wideband FM and operated in the 900mhz range. A more detailed explanation of Trop scatter can be found at: www.westgeorgia.org/nars/abttropo.htm

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(no subject)

After the aliens made First Contact, one human asked: "How did you find us? Radio signals?"

"No, it was by chance, a few millennia ago."

"So, you waited for us to mature?"

"Our leaders did, yes."


"But at last, they accepted that you won't."


"You may keep laughing."

(no subject)

"All I can give you," my godmother whispered, "is a secret name."

I don't remember that, being a newborn at the time. I didn't learn about it until I was seven, when some older kids were bullying me.

Suddenly, a dragon landed behind me.

"This," it said, "is my Hoard."

That's me.

(no subject)

"There are so many books I have to read," the first ghost said. "I haunt the library."

"I haunt an apartment complex," the second said. "For films and TV shows."

They turned to the third ghost. "What's your unfinished business?"

"An internet argument."

"Dude, let it go."

(no subject)

By entering the galactic scene by beating an Ikk'ii invasion, humans became known as fearsome warriors.

It became fashionable to have one on crew, and it emerged there were different kinds.

The most prized were polite, helpful, yet could intimidate even other humans: Librarians.

(no subject)

"How did you find out?" Dr Dastard asked.

"You told the world. Or will tell," Captain Clever said.

"Oh, yes, that's right. But-"

"I'm here to stop you. As usual."

"I am trying to help! Was. Will be."

"We are only turning the clocks back an hour. Not time itself!"

(no subject)

"I think it is a bit unfair you get nine lives," the dog said.

"That's a myth," said the cat.

"I've seen you do things that would kill me, and walk off as if nothing happened."



"You just have to be more confident than Death."


"What? Like it's hard?"